Austin Texas Estate Planning Blog

What steps Should I take When Selling My Business

What steps Should I take When Selling My Business?

July 16, 2023 • | Law Office of Zachary D Kamykowski, PLLC
All business owners will have to exit their business either through retirement or undertaking a new endeavor. Some will leave it to a successor, while others will sell. Regardless of what you choose to do, it is never too early to start planning.

Selling your business is a significant decision that requires careful planning and strategic thinking. It's not just about finding a buyer and agreeing on a price. It's about understanding the process, preparing your business for sale, and ensuring a smooth transition. This blog post will delve into the intricacies of selling a business, drawing from insights shared in a recent Forbes article, "Five Steps For Selling Your Business."

  1. Choosing Your Preferred Type of Business Sale

The first step in selling your business is deciding on the type of sale that suits your needs and goals. There are several ways to sell a business, each with advantages and considerations.

An outright sale is the most straightforward option. A buyer purchases your business for a specified amount, and ownership transfers immediately. This option is ideal for a clean break and a lump sum payment.

A gradual sale, on the other hand, is akin to a mortgage. The deal is financed over time, allowing for a more flexible transition. This option can be beneficial if you want to maintain some involvement in the business or if the buyer needs time to secure the total purchase amount.

Another option is a lease agreement, where the buyer and seller enter into a contract outlining the conditions and payments for temporary rights to the business. This can be a viable option if you're not ready to relinquish control or the buyer wants to test the waters before committing to a complete purchase.

  1. Valuing Your Business

To ensure you receive a fair return for your business, getting a proper valuation from a certified appraiser is a crucial step to selling your business. The appraiser will conduct a valuation based on your preference and the nature of your business.

Some businesses opt for an asset approach, which subtracts total business liabilities from the full value of all assets. This method is often used for businesses with significant tangible assets, such as real estate or equipment.

Others prefer a market approach that compares your business to similar recently sold ones. This method can provide a more realistic estimate of what buyers are willing to pay in the current market.

  1. Crafting an Exit Strategy

The transition period following the sale of a business can be volatile. To minimize disruption and ensure continuity, it's essential to have an orderly transition plan as you take steps towards selling your business. This plan should address supply chain considerations, financial obligations, and client or customer needs. By planning ahead, you can help ensure a smooth transition and maintain the value of the business for the new owner.

  1. Finding a Business Broker

A business broker can be an invaluable resource when selling your business. They can help you find potential buyers, negotiate terms, and navigate sales. Ideally, it would help if you looked for a broker with experience in your local area and industry. They will better understand the market conditions and can provide more tailored advice.

  1. Preparing Financial and Legal Documents

Selling a business requires a significant amount of paperwork. You must provide accurate financial documents from several years, including income statements, balance sheets, and tax returns. These documents will give potential buyers a clear picture of the business's financial health.

In addition, you'll need to prepare the legal documents required to sell a business in your area. This may include a purchase agreement, non-disclosure agreement, and necessary licenses or permits. It's also an excellent time to review your estate planning documents, such as your will, healthcare directive, and power of attorney.


In conclusion, taking steps to selling your business is a complex process that requires careful planning and preparation. By understanding the different types of sales, getting a proper valuation, crafting an exit strategy, finding a reputable business broker, and preparing the necessary financial and legal documents, you can position your business for a successful sale. Remember, the key to a successful sale is organization and preparation, so keep your financial records updated and be ready to seize the opportunity when it arises.

Reference: Forbes (June 23, 2023) Five Steps For Selling Your Business” (

Law Office of Zachary D Kamykowski, PLLC

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